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Artist blog
This artist's blog covers everything from important news, artistic inspiration, and just general thoughts on life. My favourite topics of conversation are art history, greek mythology, gender equality and personal development. My writing has an arty, feminist spin because that's just the way I roll.

Sep 29, 20244 min read
Off with her head! How Medusa lost her head and found her voice
Like many ancient stories, the legend of Medusa has been retold, reinterpreted and repurposed over time, including post the #metoo movement.

Nov 30, 20215 min read
Pandora and her jar
Pandora was made by the gods from clay, for the specific purpose of punishing mankind. Her fate was sealed the moment Zeus created her,

Sep 28, 20213 min read
Medusa as inspired by Klimt's Hygieia
My painting of Medusa is inspired by Klimt's Hygieia, as depicted in his painting of Medicine. She is the Greek goddess of health.

Aug 28, 20216 min read
Fifty shades of pink (& what they mean)
Before we deep dive into my complicated relationship with the colour pink, let me take you on a short and interesting history.

Aug 16, 20213 min read
5 things you didn't know about Klimt
Klimt paintings are everywhere but not much is known about the artist. Here are five facts about Klimt that you'll find surprising.

Aug 11, 20212 min read
5 surprising facts about the colour pink
Pink is everywhere from home décor, clothing and packaging. But do you really know pink as well as you think?

Aug 4, 20174 min read
Is the MCG a tribute to our patriarchal society?
Is the MCG a tribute to our patriarchal society? A brief history of women and the MCG.

Jul 18, 20175 min read
Welcome to the Gender Gap
t's hard to believe that in this day and age there still exist young, well-educated Australians who don't believe there is gender pay gap.

Jun 20, 20173 min read
How to survive without fashion
Franca Sozzaniwas was famously quoted as saying: I know a lot of people who buy fashion. know, perhaps, only two people who have style.

Mar 15, 20175 min read
My year of not buying clothes (so far)
Did you know that Australians are the world's second largest consumers of textiles, buying on average 27 kilograms of new clothing each year

Jan 31, 20176 min read
Defining the stages of a modern woman’s life
Klimt's depiction of Three Ages of Women encompasses Playful Child, Sexy Seductress, Good Mother and Wise Older Woman.

Jan 31, 20173 min read
What's wrong with feminist art?
Trailblazers of the feminist art movement included Yoko Ono, Vivenne Binns and Judy Chicago.

Dec 7, 20164 min read
The price of being a woman
You may know me as an artist but I'm also an accountant (yes, strange I know) and nothing upsets me more than monetary gender inequality.

Dec 7, 20162 min read
Do we need another Disney princess?
Like most little girls growing up, I dreamed of being a princess. My favourite princess was Sleeping Beauty. It was my favourite book...

Oct 22, 20164 min read
My very own artist manifesto
I've decided to write an artist manifesto. I briefly considered writing an artist memoir but decided they’re old news.

Nov 25, 20153 min read
I like pretty things: does that make me shallow?
What would you do if you won millions of dollars? I’d spend it on art and fashion. Does that make me shallow?

Oct 15, 20153 min read
Our love-hate relationship with sexual objectification
“Men look at women, women watch themselves being looked at.” It is an unavoidable truth. You might even say it’s natural.
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