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Artist blog
This artist's blog covers everything from important news, artistic inspiration, and just general thoughts on life. My favourite topics of conversation are art history, greek mythology, gender equality and personal development. My writing has an arty, feminist spin because that's just the way I roll.

Apr 10, 20205 min read
Art makes good books
If you’re looking for some good books to read this summer, here are my top 9 fiction books inspired by art.

May 5, 20194 min read
Who were the Romantics?
When we hear of romanticism, it conjures up ideas of love. However, the name also refers to a period in European art.

Nov 18, 20186 min read
Jan Ader, the artist who cried crocodile tears
I’m Too Sad to Tell You is a three-minute bl&w silent film of the artist, Bas Jan Ader, crying.

Sep 2, 20186 min read
Alice steals hearts at ACMI
The exhibition charts the evolution of Alice from the written page, to theatre, film and animation, highlighting cinematic advancements

Jul 20, 20181 min read
Curiouser & Curiouser: Opening night
Thanks to everyone who attended our opening event last night at Steps Gallery. It was a great turn out and a super fun night. See the photos

Jun 10, 20184 min read
Hsieh Tehching: the artist who lived like a homeless person in the name of art
Tehching Hsieh’s Outdoor Piece was created in the post-modernist period but is modernist

Apr 11, 20186 min read
Fairy tales transformed through the work of artists
Fairy tales excite our imagination and ignite our darkest fears. So it is was with high expectations that I visited the summer exhibition at

Mar 2, 20184 min read
Conceptual contempt: the rise of invisible art
Invisible art has a distinctive non-visual emphases, or one might say an emphasis on nothing. Usually, a believer of less is more,

Jul 18, 20175 min read
Welcome to the Gender Gap
t's hard to believe that in this day and age there still exist young, well-educated Australians who don't believe there is gender pay gap.

Jun 20, 20173 min read
How to survive without fashion
Franca Sozzaniwas was famously quoted as saying: I know a lot of people who buy fashion. know, perhaps, only two people who have style.

Mar 15, 20175 min read
My year of not buying clothes (so far)
Did you know that Australians are the world's second largest consumers of textiles, buying on average 27 kilograms of new clothing each year

Jan 31, 20176 min read
Defining the stages of a modern woman’s life
Klimt's depiction of Three Ages of Women encompasses Playful Child, Sexy Seductress, Good Mother and Wise Older Woman.

Jan 31, 20173 min read
What's wrong with feminist art?
Trailblazers of the feminist art movement included Yoko Ono, Vivenne Binns and Judy Chicago.

Oct 22, 20164 min read
My very own artist manifesto
I've decided to write an artist manifesto. I briefly considered writing an artist memoir but decided they’re old news.
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